Public Programming
Asymmetry, 102a Albion Drive, London E8 4LY
12-3.00pm BST, 14.10.2022
We’re pleased to invite you to an Open Afternoon at Asymmetry HQ for a casual lunch and gathering. Our Fellows will be speaking about their projects and research in short presentations, followed by a conversation between our neighbour-in-resident Annie Jael Kwan, curator, researcher and member of Asia Art Activism and Asymmetry’s Deputy Director Michèle Ruo Yi Landolt – exploring both organisations’ missions and visions.
12pm onwards: Casual Lunch
1pm: Asymmetry Fellows presentations and coffee
2.15pm: Annie Jael Kwan, Asia Art Activism, in conversation with Michèle Ruo Yi Landolt, Deputy Director at Asymmetry
The event is open to everyone; friends, partners, practitioners, prospective Fellows, visitors of Frieze Art Fair, and anyone wanting to see our new HQ and learn more about our foundation.
Please register your attendance via EventBrite.